Thursday, December 1, 2022

Pumpkin Log (Helen White @ Taste N Tell 1988)

 Spray 15-1/2" x 10-1/2" jelly roll pan, line with waxed paper, and spray again.

Mix: 3 eggs

        1 c sugar

         2/3 c canned pumpkin

        1 tsp baking soda

        1/2 tsp cinnamon

        3/4 c flour

Spread in prepared pan and bake @ 375 for 15 minutes. Turn out onto a plain dish towel (sprinkled with sugar). Roll up (long side) and place in refrigerator to cool; let cool but not COLD (6-8 minutes). Unroll, spread with filling and reroll up. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate. Keeps 2 weeks. Freeze leftovers after 3-4 days.


2 TB softened oleo

8 oz cream cheese, softened

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 c confectioners sugar

3/4 c chopped nuts

Cream oleo and cream cheese together. Add vanilla extract and sugar. Mix well. Spread on log and sprinkle with nuts. Roll up.

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